Boing Boing

Bozo the Clown and Kenyon Hopkins in obscure music bonanza site

There's much to be loved at the offbeat-music site, Basic Hip Digital Oddio, but my two favorite sections the ones devoted to kiddy albums and composer Kenyon Hopkins. The cover art for the Bozo albums is gorgeous, and a sad reminder of how ugly most commercial packaging looks today. I first became aware of Kenyon Hopkins when I watched The Hustler, starring Paul Newman. Hopkins wrote the jazz score, which manages to be crazed, blusey, upbeat, and gloomy all at once. There are plenty of MP 3 sound clips of Bozo and Hopkins. The site also has two Live365 stations: The Time Tunnel ("Obscure and familiar TV and Movie soundtracks with original commercials and radio spots.") and Secret Agent Man Radio ("Gritty crime jazz, swinging secret agents, groovy spy tunes-a-go-go and funky blaxploitation soundtracks.") Enjoy! Link Discuss

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