Boing Boing

Interview with R.U. Sirius

R.U. Sirius was the founding editor of Mondo 2000. He's one of the most interesting people I know, and he has a book coming out on the history of the counterculture. Here's an interview with him from New World Disorder.

NWD: What do you think about the WTO riot crowd? All and anger and ideology, no libido, drugs, and rock and roll?

RUS: Well, anybody in their late teens or early 20s who doesn't want to riot is either dead or too enlightened. And corporate globalism is worthy of militant opposition. On the other hand, a lot of these young "anarchists" are sort of like Moslem fundamentalists … extremely purist and moralistic. Opposing technology is idiotic. In a world of 6 billion the only way out is by overwhelming scarcity with self-replicating production technologies like bio and nanotechnology. Besides, one would have to kill 99.9% of the American people to get them to agree to live the meat and technology and entertainment free lifestyle that the Unabomber anarchists would like to impose on us. Including me. But they're young, and they did what needed to be done in Seattle.

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