Boing Boing

How Joey's blog saved his ass

Joey "Accordion Guy" DeVilla posted a blog entry last week about how great his new girlfriend is, how fine it was to be dating a programmer girl-geek with a CS degree and a sweet job running the Alliance/Atlantis site she had. His comments-section was full of encouraging notes from his friends, glad to see him so happy.

But the next day, a stranger emailed him with the news that his girlfriend was not what she seemed: a recovering addict who abandoned her children, a compulsive liar and identity thief, a chameleon who lied about her education, employment and technical abilities. Joey met with the stranger and got the whole story, and confronted his erstwhile girlfriend.

She denied it all, but couldn't even answer the most basic technical questions. Finally, in a fit of Columbo-like suspicion, Joey asked her a trick question — a very, very clever trick question that I won't spoil for you here — and realized that his whistle-blower was telling the truth. Joey got the hell out of the relationship, saved from involvement with this very broken and creepy person by his blog.



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