Boing Boing

Photos: Robochrist robot show at Coachella, "Love is A Many-Splintered Thing"

Here are some snapshots I took over the weekend of the ROBOCHRIST robotic arts performance at the Coachella Music and Arts festival way the hell out in the Southern California desert. The robotophilia 12-step recovery program I started last week was going so well — but then someone kidnapped me, threw me in a car, and drove me out to Indio on Sunday to watch Christian Ristow and his crew set up, then blow up, one of the most spectacular machine art shows I've ever seen. At this rate, I may never kick the bad 'bot habit.

Never been to Coachella? It's sort of like BurningMan, but with better music, more port-a-potties, somewhat less nudity, about as many E'd-out hula-hooping-and-flame-dancing love children, and half the dust and wind. Five stages with tons of bands and DJs, and art/tech/performance stuff scattered throughout the landscape. Link to part one (Robochrist show preparation), Link to part two (the performance explodes at night). I'll try to add better descriptions later, but wanted to share these with you now. Discuss

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