Boing Boing

Future of Music coalition open letter on media consolidation

The Future of Music coalition is gathering signatures for an open letter to FCC Chairman Michael Powell, asking the regulator to keep the airwaves from being owned by megacongloms like ClearChannel. It's been signed by people like Stevie Nicks, Jimmy Buffet, Tom Waits and Michael Stipe. If you or someone you love is in the biz, point them at the FoM site, OK?

We believe the record demonstrates both the value of existing media ownership rules and the dangers in permitting widespread consolidation of ownership. We also believe the FCC has been negligent in listening to important stakeholder groups, like musicians, recording artists and radio professionals, to ensure their testimony is on the record. The de facto boycott of field hearings by you and Commissioners Abernathy and Martin makes us question how interested some commissioners are in understanding the public's interest in these matters. Finally, a refusal to allow Congress and the public to view and debate your specific proposal would be a tremendous disservice to the American public and the citizens who depend on these media structures for their livelihoods.


(Thanks, Helen!)

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