Boing Boing

Men who do housework are sexier and have better kids

Shades of Free To Be You And Me (and for fun, do a whois -h a study shows that men who help with the housework have better-adjusted kids and get laid by their spouses more often.

ociologists Scott Coltrane and Michele Adams of the University of California, Riverside, looked at national survey data and found that school-aged children who do housework with their fathers are more likely to get along with their peers and have more friends. What's more, they are less likely than other kids to disobey teachers or make trouble at school and are less depressed or withdrawn.

"When men perform domestic service for others, it teaches children cooperation and democratic family values," said Coltrane, who studies the changing role of fathers in families. "It used to be that men assumed that their wives would do all the housework and parenting, but now that women are nearly equal participants in the labor force, men are assuming more of the tasks that it takes to run a home and raise children."



(via Ambiguous)

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