Boing Boing

SARS Art Project: cool Chinatown panorama prints now available

Kozyndan, the LA-based art duo who generously contributed this panoramic illustration (link to full-size image) for the SARS ART PROJECT, have just released five new prints. You can preview and order in this online shop. The SARS ART print, one of five available, depicts terrified citizens of LA Chinatown hurling dim sum at flying, fiendishly grinning SARS monsters. It's called "The Yum-cha Militia," and is available in a limited edition of 600 offset prints for US $25 each. I am so buying one immediately… support your local online artist!

Update: Subliminal SARS Art messages! Scott from Ideo says, "I just showed this to a Taiwanese coworker. She says some of the store signs are, um, unusual. From left to right: Red sign, four characters: 'Stay inside.' Blue sign, six characters: 'Bunny rabbit is evil.' White sign: 'Give us good things.' She didn't really understand the two on the far right. Under 'Luckett Imports' it's something like 'Politician change at home.'" Scott, Kozyndan have kind of a theme going with evil bunnyrabbits, as you can see from their website… but the rest of this will have to remain a mystery.


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