Boing Boing

Banana Slug provides serendipitous searching

Gary says: "Banana Slug is a Google search tool that my good friend Steve Nelson built based on a trick that I devised for finding new and unusual stuff about ukuleles on the Web. Since Google returns the most popular pages, I started searching on ukulele+some random word that occurred to me. Like ukulele and pickle. So Steve built Banana Slug, which does this for you automatically.

"Here's a description from the site:

BananaSlug was designed to promote serendipitous surfing: finding the unexpected in the 3,083,324,652 web pages indexed by Google. Directed Google searches return pages most relevant to your search term, based on the pages' popularity on the Web. You may never see some of the pages way down the list that are relevant or interesting, but off the beaten path.

So we give you a little boost. We "seed" your search with another word, chosen at random, and this accidental encounter results in pages you may have overlooked. What, if anything, do all the results have in common? You tell me! We show the seed word at the end of the page, along with the number of results, and how many seed words we needed to try before we got results (it doesn't always happen the first time!).

"I've already found a new (to me) ukulele performer using Banana Slug. Jennifer Foster. Listen to her song,Ukulele Dropout."

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