Boing Boing

Island Chronicle extra: Abandoned Raratonga Sheraton

BoingBoing reader David Calkins points us to elegant photos of colonial waste in the South Pacific, where BoingBoing founder Mark Frauenfelder recently moved with his family:

I was reading the Island Chronicles and came across their passage about the
abandoned Sheraton:

"For the last 1000 years, Rarotonga has managed to retain a unique South
Pacific culture. But about ten years ago, the Sheraton chain broke ground on
the island to build a huge destination resort. When we visited the island in
1994, construction workers were just beginning to build the hotel. We were sure
the hotel would ruin this island. … Fortunately, the Sheraton project went
bust when it was about 80% finished. . . The ruins of the resort are now
covered in rapacious island vegetation creeping in from the jungle. Horses and
cattle contentedly graze in the shadows of the unoccupied concrete structures."

Just imagine: Concrete structure over-run with vines. Like Machu Pichu only
with modern architecture. Being a bit of an urban explorer, I thought it must
be an awesome site – but alas, I won't be flying to the Cooks this year.
Fortunately, there's this tool called "Google." I found these great photo albums:
Link one, Link two, Link three, Link four.


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