Boing Boing

Ruminator Books's auction

Ruminator Books, an indie bookseller in St Paul, MN, is in dire financial straits and is holding an auction in order to keep its doors open.

An original piece of artwork from Ralph Steadman; Paul Auster's reading glasses; A hunk of wood from Rick Bass's writing cabin; Drawings from Siri Hustvedt and Oliver Sacks; A musical manuscript by Bill Holm; A copy of an early manuscript of 'The Laws of Our Fathers' signed by Scott Turow; T-shirts from Margaret Atwood, Richard Ford and Neil Gaiman; A first draft manuscript page from Charles Baxter; Rick Moody's electronic music CD; A letter written to Russell Banks by Jonathan Safran Foer on a piano roll of 'It Don't Mean a Thing if It Ain't Got That Swing'; A shirt given to Neal Karlen by Kurt Cobain; A Romanian flag given to Andrei Codrescu amidst gunfire during the 1989 revolution.; also: A limited edition of Mary Poppins (signed on D.L. Travers deathbed); valuable broadsides and handmade books; sports memorabilia; a brownie recipe; a pen blessed by the pope;and a portable personal altar with angel cards; And much more…


(Thanks, Heidi!)

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