Boing Boing

Turn NSFW into SFW

BadBlue allows you to interpret your workplace (or school) sysadmin as damage and route around him. The way it works is, you install an app on your home, broadband-connected PC, and then when you get to the office or school, you run a complimentary app on your PC there. The app disguises and forwards all of your Web traffic to your home PC, which fetches and sends back the pages you're looking for, free from automatic monitors, filters, and workplace snoopers.

If this sounds familiar, that's because it's based on the principles underpinning Peek-a-Booty and other "hactivist" apps intended to give Chinese dissidents and other prisoners of censoring proxies free access to the net. Of course, the killer app for this is looking at porn at the office.

OfficeSurfer lets you surf in privacy from your office, bypassing corporate restrictions on specific web sites, defeating monitoring software, and preventing routine logging of your online activities.

Check personal email accounts… visit your favorite web sites… worry-free and hassle-free.


(via Infoanarchy)

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