Boing Boing

Rescue your teeth with Mexican dentistry

Amazing first-person story of a guy who couldn't afford the full set of caps his teeth needed and was looking at a lifetime of dentures, who became a medical tourist to Tijuana and got the work done for a fraction of the cost in Mexico.

I mentally multiplied $715 by 28 and groaned. Either my teeth were about to become the most expensive thing I ever owned, or I was going to lose them and likely have to start wearing dentures at the age of 39…

Once again we found tales of $120 caps, and of an entire industry catering to American medical tourists. In several places along the US-Mexico border, clusters of dentists operate within convenient driving distance so that an inexpensive bus tour from Las Vegas or a trolley ride from San Diego could bring you to where this cheap care was available.

Nowhere did we find a horror story — indeed, everything we read was very enthusiastic. We did research and began to lay plans.


(via Electrolite)

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