Boing Boing

Insanity Chic in Hollywood

Mark Ebner — investigative journalist and contributor to the jaded, snarky, underground Hollywood rag LA Innuendo — has a new book out on February 24. "Hollywood, Interrupted: Insanity Chic in Babylon — The Case Against Celebrity," co-written with Andrew Breitbart (Matt Drudge's right-hand guy). Basically 416 pages of celebrities behaving badly. Read how Mike Ovitz's then six-year-old son once peed on a tree in the front yard, yelling "My mom said I could, and mom is in charge of you, I could have you fired!" to his nanny when she scolded him. There's supposed to be another section in here that chronicles some Powerful Hollywood People engaging in cybersexual harassment with a young AOL customer support agent.

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