Boing Boing

Revenge of the User: Lessons from Creator/User Battles ETCON talk notes

Here're my running notes from danah boyd's Revenge of the User: Lessons from Creator/User Battles at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego.

The response is an attempt to "configure the users" — constrain
behavior to acceptable behavior with messaaging, kicking people
off, etc.

This won't work: you can't tell a hacker not to hack. These kids
are social hackers. You can stop some bad behavior, but you chase
off your best users, too.

Dating doesn't happen because you're in a dating context. Dating
arises out of real contexts.

Taking away fakesters didn't make Frienster more real. Friendster
is unreal because people never remove their friends, even if they
never see them (the exception is when you break up, ironic,
because ex-lovers are strong ties!).


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