Boing Boing

NARC video game encourages players to get high as power-ups

The remake of the NARC video-game encourages players to bust dealers, steal their stashes, and use the confiscata as performance-enhancing power-ups.

You're still a cop and you're still looking to take out the dealers and suppliers. And, odds are you'll pick up the cash and drugs scattered about once again. The hook is: In the new "N.A.R.C.", your character can β€” and is, in fact, encouraged to β€” ingest those drugs.

Looking to slow time around you β€” a la "The Matrix" or "Max Payne"? Take a toke. Marijuana puts you into "weed time." Not sure who the bad guys are? Drop some LSD and enemies will appear to have giant devil heads. Moving too slow? A little speed will take care of that, letting you zip around and fight at an incredibly fast pace.

Link (via Costikyan)

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