Boing Boing

Ninjas and Pirates, Dwarves and Elves: how to understand the world

Tom Coates has written an hilarious and insightful essay in which he attempts to rank his friends and their operating systems (!) on two axes: Elf/Dwarf and Ninja/Pirate. I'm digging the 2X2 graphs.

Think of some of the humble bloggers on my blogroll. Where would they live? Ben Hammersley has something of the pirate about him. This is not a restrained man of quiet honour, but a proud warrior of the sea — hair flowing in the breeze. But his skills are more evenly tempered between the conceptual and the practical — as best evidenced by his work on the schema for various syndication formats. His position is clear. Matt Jones is far closer to elf than dwarf, but as swashbuckling as a man can come. Not so Dan Hill, elven once more but evidencing the self-mastery and discipline of a true ninja.


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