Boing Boing

Cory's on the cover of this week's Now Magazine!

Now Magazine, Toronto's free entertainment weekly, has a great cover story on me this week, with a review of Eastern Standard Tribe.

A reminder: I've got two signings coming up in Toronto this week. The first is tomorrow night, at the Merril Collection, 239 College, third floor, 7 pm, 416-393-7748.

The second is on March 27, at Bakka Books, 598 Yonge at Wellesley, 3 to 5 pm. 416-963-9993.

(Some minor errata: My thesis was about fringe culture and the Internet; I got a job programming, not advertising, CDROMs; and the entertainment industry is worth $60 billion, not million; I was considered the best writer in my school workshops, not my professional ones)


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