Boing Boing

Command-line pizza-orderator

pizza_party is an open-source command-line app for ordering pizzas from Domino's.

pizza_party [-o|–onions] [-g|–green-peppers] [-m|–mushrooms] [-v|–olives] [-t|–tomatoes] [-h|–pineapple] [-x|–extra-cheese] [-d|–cheddar-cheese] [-p|–pepperoni] [-s|–sausage] [-w|–ham] [-b|–bacon] [-e|–ground-beef] [-c|–grilled-chicken] [-z|–anchovies] [-u|–extra-sauce] [-U|–user= username] [-P|–password= pasword] [-I|–input-file= input-file] [-V|–verbose] [-Q|–quiet] [-F|–force] [QUANTITY] [SIZE] [CRUST]

* Can order pizza with only a few keystrokes.
* Can save pizza preferences.
* Can use batch files for ordering many pizzas.
* Has easy to use flags for ordering different toppings.
* Runs on most UNIX-like operating systems.
* Supports most currently popular topings like "mushrooms", and "pepperoni"!
* Unattended / background operation.
* Pizza Party is distributed under the GNU General Public License.


(via Kottke)

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