Boing Boing

Don't just protect the unconceived: protect the inanimate!

Fafnir of Fafblog has written a good think-piece explaining the logical next step in the Bush administration's campaign to protect the rights of the unconceived: protecting the rights of the inanimate.

This is yknow a huge step backwards for women's health and for contraception and the prevention of abortions. But it is a huge step forward for what we at Fafblog like to call the "rights of the unconceived," which is just a few short steps from what we are really lookin forward to which is the rights of the inanimate.

I have personally spent hours an hours talkin to cans, waffle irons, boxes, printer cartridges and forks and they all dream of one thing: no longer bein treated as second-class citizens in the United States.


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