Boing Boing

Persian photoblog: Those Sexy Iranians

Hossein Derakshan says, "I've launched my photoblog, titled "vagrantly." Here's the latest image post, about the Islamic dress code and Nicholas Kristof's New York Times column this weekend about 'sexy Iranians.'"

No one has challenged the cleric's rule more effectively than these young Iranian girls. They have totally changed the Islamic dress code during the past five years. The half-sliced heads of the mannequins are results of Islamic laws that prohibit making identical statues to humans.

Link to Hoder's photoblog post. And coincidentally, BoingBoing's own Cory says from the U.K., "Spotted at the Brick Lane Bengali new year's festivities in London: a little girl in a couture Calvin Klein headscarf."Link to 80K jpeg image.

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