Boing Boing

Jack in the Box yuppified is JBX

San Diego-based blogger Joe Crawford brings news of "JBX," a new experiment by San Diego-based fast food giant Jack in the Box.

[N]ot exactly fast food. The look of the stores is quite different — Chipotle meets Starbucks, but they still have the classic tacos. There are two of these stores in San Diego – pilot stores. They're like concept cars, but restaurants.

Non sequitur: One of my first geek jobs was working in a sweatshop full of nerds an Internet Professional Services Firm in San Diego. One of my first big client meetings there was a bid for a redesign of the Jack in the Box website, which had only just launched the year prior. This was, like, the paleolithic era of the Interweb. Anyway, in the pitch meeting, one of my co-workers — a webmonkey who really wanted to be an ad man — said to the Jack in the Box execs, "Come on, nobody actually comes to your restaurant because the food tastes any good — we're selling IMMERSIVE USER EXPERIENCE here, not flavor." We lost the bid.

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