Boing Boing

Hold the McBuggets, please! Man ill after gorging on fried cicadas

Not so fast, cicada-snackers! An Indiana resident who fried then snarfed about 30 "Brood X" specimens had to seek medical treatment when the bug grub experiment caused a powerful allergic reaction. Apparently, some people with shellfish allergies can become very sick from eating the exoskeletous but Akins-friendly critters.

The man showed up at a Bloomington clinic Thursday covered from head-to-toe in hives, and sheepishly told a doctor he'd caught and ate the cicadas after sauteing them in butter with crushed garlic and basil. "He said they didn't taste too bad, but his wife didn't care for the aroma," said Dr. Al Ripani, the doctor who treated the man at Promptcare East.

Link to news article, and link to previous BoingBoing post (Thanks, Pete!)

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