Boing Boing

In defense of MP3 blogs

Check out this rant from an MP3 blog reader — a blogger who posts tracks that he's digging to get his readers interested — on the threatened medium:

We're all familiar with blogs (ummm, you're reading one now), but now, we have unashamed folks who are not afraid to provide you with a daily song that has been gracing their ears. Good stuff, big bands, and totally the definition of fair use. The average blog user has 12 readers… so… if I give one song to 12 people a day, that seems entirely fair, when compared to say, WOXY radio that had to shut down because it couldn't afford the licensing and bandwidth of its 50,000 listeners.

So, I love it! It's the best of fair use, with the peer spice. Now all we need, is about 3 kabillion more so that these brave souls aren't overloaded, or targetted otherwise.

Best of all is the long list of MP3 blogs, which are a sampler's paradise.


(Thanks, Th0m!)

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