Boing Boing

Hand-knit superhero costumes, beaded porn star trading cards

Sculptor Mark Newport knits life-sized superhero costumes as a form of fabric art. For instance, these Spiderman and Batman pieces, 77 x 27 x 6 inches, $5,500 each. He's got an upcoming show in Seattle, SUPERHERO PANTHEON, from August 5 – 28, 2004. Here's what some fancypants art critic said:

"Newport works in and around an arena which, no matter how hip, still must be considered under the particular jurisdiction of the adolescent male: comics and the comic-book hero. However, he subverts the obvious appeal of violent conflict between forces for good and evil by accenting the decorative aspect of comic work via embroidery… over select faces and details… and through descriptions of a kinder, gentler alternate hero… The artist's use of needle craft, typically considered well within the realm of "women's work," establishes a challenging relationship between the young man implied by these works, the voice of popular culture/media, and a father's voice."

Scroll down for some less worksafe work from Newport — hand-beaded trading cards bearing the images of gay porn stars, Playboy tableaus, Jenny McCarthy spread-legged centerfold shots, and Icelandic strippers. Charmingly strange. Link (Thanks, Susannah)

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