Boing Boing

Xeni on NPR: Computer limbs help trilateral amputee run again

Today on the National Public Radio program "Day to Day," I speak with Cameron Clapp. In September 2001, he lost both legs and his right arm in a train accident.

Supported by his large extended family — and his identical twin brother Jesse — Cameron fought against his disability to make an astounding recovery. Not only can the young man swim, run, drive a car, and even play golf again, he recently won four gold medals at the Endeavor Games, a sports competition for amputees. He can do this in part because of advanced prosthetic limb technology called the "C-Leg," short for "computer leg." The device (which Cameron demonstrated at Wired Magazine's NextFest) includes many tiny sensors controlled by a computer chip, and provides much greater mobility and control than conventional hydraulic limbs.
Link to archived audio (after 12PM PT), a photo gallery, and more on both Cameron and the high-tech prosthetics he uses.

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