Boing Boing

Tressed to Kill

spiderBB reader Katrus informs us that the "Choppa Style" hair-do I posted previously is a "signature creation of Detroit hairstylist Mr. Little – and yes, the blades do spin." The information comes from Detroit Metro Times article about Hair Wars, a "three-hours-plus extravaganza of blooming, towering, blinking, spinning, smoking, cartoon-like hair creations" where Mr. Little and his rivals show off surreal sculptures like the spider style (left) and other fantastical coiffeurs:

"A model in a kimono has two dragons, sculpted out of braids, perched atop her head. When she reaches the end of the stage, billows of smoke emit from the dragons' mouths, and the audience oohs and aahs. Backstage, Mz. Jade reveals the secret: inside each dragon is a bottle of aerosol sheen spray, rigged by remote so a press of a button triggers the spray. Under the bright lights the mist looks like smoke."

Link (Thanks, Katrus!)

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