Boing Boing

WSJ says abortions are good for the Republican party

This bizarre opinion piece by the Wall Street Journal's Larry J. Eastland argues that if there was no such thing as abortion, then there would be have been enough voting-age Democrats alive in 2000 to have given Gore the edge in the last election, because according to a survey, Democrats are more likely to have abortions than Republicans.

As liberals and Democrats fervently seek new voters and supporters through events, fund-raisers, direct mail and every other form of communication available, they achieve results minuscule in comparison to the loss of voters they suffer from their own abortion policies. It is a grim irony lost on them, for which they will pay dearly in elections to come.

Link (Thanks, Carlo!)

David sez: [The WSJ's editorial] is so full of bad reasoning and misuse of numbers, it's pretty meaningless. Lots of official-looking numbers and tables do not sound logic make. Here's the [Church of Critical Thinking's] analysis.

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