Boing Boing

New tunes from former Afghan Whigs bassist

My friend John Curley played bass in the dark soul-rock band Afghan Whigs, the first non-Seattle group signed to Sub Pop records. For more than a decade, the Whigs released consistently stunning albums, concluding with 1965 on Columbia records in 2000. The following year, the group disbanded. Singer Greg Dulli continued with his Twilight Singers, guitarist Rick McCollum became Moon Maan, and John Curley focused on his recording studio Ultrasuede in Cincinnati. Now John has formed a new band, The Staggering Statistics. Here's an article about the group from the Cincinnati Enquirer.

"It spirals away from you," Curley says. "Even if your goal is informal, sooner or later you begin writing songs that you want to play for other people. Then there's a little thought in your mind: we could get signed (to a record deal). You stand in the room with ether long enough and you start getting overcome by the fumes."

I was thrilled to hear that John and the Staggering Statistics have released their full-length debut recording for free online. Link

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