Boing Boing

Spiderman trufen determine to shoot a non-sucky Spiderman 3 before Hollywood

A group of pissed-off Spiderman fans have determined to make a third Spiderman movie off their own bat, without permission from Marvel or the studio, rallying to a cry of "In recent years Hollywood Studios have assaulted our comics. Well comic lovers, it's time to fight back." They're soliciting production crew, actors, effects people and cash donations, so they can get the Secret Spiderman Movie out before Hollywood beats them to the punch.

10 Worst Casting Choices
10. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
9. Dolph Lungren as Punisher
8. Ben Affleck as Daredevil
7. Matt Salinger as Captain America
6. Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face
5. Shaq as Steel
4. Val Kilmer as Batman
3. Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin
T1. Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl
T1. The Governator as Mr. Freeze


(Thanks, Scott!)

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