Boing Boing

Futurismic's new fiction from a Campbell nominee

Futurismic is a group blog run by a bunch of great sf writers, who've raised a modest sum of money that they use to pay for science fiction stories which they publish on their site. They've just put up a new one, "Benno On Hollywood," written by one of this year's Campbell Award and Hugo Award finalists, Jay Lake.

He's not a bad guy, our Benno, out cruising for chicks on Sepulveda or trying to score some vaca blanca on Hollywood. He's local color for the tourists who still come, even now, with his shaved head and the Santeria tattoos his Auntie Bone put down his scalp and neck and on across his back and arms. The skulls and goats and twisty barbed wire can all be seen through the grubby wife beater with the tiny manga girl hand-drawn on the front. Three Lincoln pennies dangle from one ear, each on its own wire hoop — stabbed in by hand, no spray-on painkiller shit. Other ear's got a vintage plastic cattle tag from the late twen-cen meat industry.


(Thanks, Jeremy!)

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