Boing Boing

Fruit porn sparks outrage

BoingBoing reader Alex points to this purportedly XXX image (organic teabagging?) ripped from the Kama Fruitra, and says, "This Ananova story contains images of Maoam fruit wrappers which appear to show fruit in sexual positions. A Catholic college has complained. What is interesting is that Haribo doesn't seem to have denied this interpretation, calling the packaging 'very racy,' and saying, 'The new wrapping is certainly fruitier than the old. But we have not had any other complaints. In fact until now the feedback has all been positive."

Link to news story. Link to Maoam website with barely legal hothothot fruity porn wrapper pics.

Update: BoingBoing reader ix says, "The reader quoted in your post says, A Catholic college has complained. That's not quite right. It seems, as this site says, that it has been a joke by graduates (abiturienten) of a catholic school (jesuitenkolleg zu sankt blasien – really, more a highschool than a college) back in March. Not really hot this story, but a German magazine made it a story again a couple of day ago (more on that here: Link)."

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