Boing Boing

Make newsletter

Here's the first issue of the Make email newsletter. I'm the magazine's editor-in-chief. To sign up for the email newsletter go here.



September 14, 2004


Thanks for signing up for the Make newsletter! Since announcing the
magazine at the O'Reilly ETech Conference in Portland in July, we've been
busy creating the first issue, which will be published in January. We've
also received many suggestions about how we can make Make a great

There's still time for you to give us your input. We want Make to be a
reader-created magazine, and if you're interested, here are some ways you
can join us in the creation of the world's greatest technology-project

1. THE MAKE WORKSHOP. Imagine somebody took all your tools away and handed
you a $100 gift certificate that you could spend on hardware at Home Depot
and Fry's. What are the essential things you'd buy? Now, up the price to
$300 — what would you outfit your workshop with? How about $750?

2. WHAT ARE YOU USING THESE DAYS? In each issue of Make, we'll run reviews
of stuff. We're not interested in assigning things to be reviewed. We're
interested in hearing about the things you already use and love. Tell us
about your favorite new (or old!) tool, magazine, book, instructional
video, gadget, web site, etc. in a 300-word email. If we decide to run
it, we'll pay you.

3. PROJECTS. Do you have an idea for a technology-related project? It
doesn't matter if it's large or small. Tell us about it. If we like it,
we'll ask you to write it.

4. WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS NEWSLETTER? Finally, we need a name for this
newsletter! Please send us your suggestion by Tuesday, Sept. 21. The
winner will get a book of his or her choice from the O'Reilly Hacks Series

Thanks, and we'll see you in January!

Mark Frauenfelder

Make Editor-in-Chief

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