Boing Boing

Photos of fossilized '80s Russian Space Shuttle knockoff

BoingBoing reader TabulaRasa in Germany says,

"In the late 1980s, the Russians tried to develop their own Space Shuttle. Well, actually — one
even ended up flying into space just one time — Buran. After this flight, the hangar where it was housed in
Baikonur collapsed and destroyed the craft.

"This is an online photo gallery of Buran 002, another prototype that
was sold to an Australian businessman named David Hammer. During the Olympic Games in Sydney, the prototype was
part of an exhibition. Then it was sold to a company in Singapore, and was shipped to Bahrain,
where it became stranded somewhere in the desert.

"Eventually it was sold to a German museum, and
will soon be shipped one last time — to become part of an exhibition.
Some things are still working, as you can see from the photos in this online image gallery.
Guess I'll have make a visit to this museum when the shuttle has arrived!"

Link to image gallery from Der Spiegel magazine (text in German)

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