Boing Boing

RIP, Twinkies, Wonder Bread, Ho-Hos, RingDings…

Interstate Bakeries files Chapter 11. And with it, an era of American pop gastronomy may meet its end. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the carb; For in that sleep of death what Twinkies may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal Ho-Ho, must give us pause; there's the respect that makes creme-filled treats of so long life.

Link to Business Week article. But Newsday wins the best hed award: Twinkies Maker Out of Dough. (Thanks, Jim OConnor)

Update: Reader Kate says, "I read your post on the bankruptcy of the Interstate Bakeries,
alluding to the fact that Twinkies have now met their end. But Chapter 11 bankruptcy is not about ending a company or specific product lines, but rather re-organizing a companies debts (Link to explanation). Although its possible that twinkies, ho-ho's and hostess pies may be gone in the near future, it is just as likely that they will remain. So in short, reports of Twinkies death have been greatly exaggerated."

Staci Kramer agrees. "It's not RIP quite yet. The company is reorganizing — not liquidating — and, according to the same Business Week article mentioned in your post, 'Interstate spokeswoman Maya Pogoda says the outfit plans to continue operating the rest of its bakeries and distribution centers.' I just don't want to write off Twinkies and other delicacies like orange Hostess cup cakes and Devil Dogs too soon. It would tilt the time-space contiuum."

And reader Stephen A. Kupiec says, "Twinkies have an infinite shelf life! They cannot die! Whoever speaketh of Twinkies shall remember that he but seemeth dead, he sleeps, and yet he does not sleep, he has died and yet he is not dead, asleep and dead though he is, he shall rise again. Again it should be shown that

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die."

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