Boing Boing

INDUCE Act killed for now! BOO-YAH!

Orrin Hatch's crazy, iPod-criminalizing INDUCE Act has been shelved — for now. The combined efforts of tech companies, nerds, and grassroots organizers have stalled it, and Hatch has cancelled plans to introduce the bill today. The quote from the RIAA positively seethes with frustrated malevolence.

Hatch canceled plans Thursday to present the bill to the Judiciary Committee, and participants in the talks said there would likely be no movement on the proposal in the immediate future. Hatch has previously said he intended to pursue the legislation next session if a bill wasn't approved. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., is expected to take over as Judiciary chairman early next year.

The chief executive for the Recording Industry Association of America, Mitch Bainwol, acknowledged Thursday that negotiations need more time.

"So long as illegitimate peer-to-peer services hijack a positive technology and intentionally offload their legal liability to America's kids, legislation will be a priority for the creative community," Bainwol said.

I have only one thing to say to Mr Bainwol: Neener. Neener. Neener.


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