Boing Boing

Video: What's happened to George W. Bush's brain after 10 years?

luminifer sez: "This site has clips of a GW debate from 10 years ago, and clips from recent speeches/debates. The difference between the eloquent GW 10 years ago and what we have now is astounding, and maybe doesn't bode well for the future."

For [James Fallow's] article, rather than talking to campaign spinners for each side and reporting what they said, he dove into the archival record of each man's debates, and made an astonishing discovery: 10 years ago, George W. Bush was an articulate, forceful debater. Tough to belive, but when Fallows reviewed the tapes of Bush's 1994 debate with Anne Richards, he found that not only did Bush win the debate, but he spoke well.


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