Boing Boing

Get paid to work on a successor to TheyWorkForYou and FaxYourMP

mySociety is a charitable project that gets grants to build cool, Democracy-hacking software that will follow on the astonishing UK activist projects like FaxYourMP and TheyWorkForYou. They've just gotten a buttload of money and they want to hire a kick-ass PHP developer to build their next s33krit project (which I have been fortunate enough to see and am very very excited about!).

mySociety – is a new project from the community which built and It is overseen by registered charity UK Citizens Online Democracy and builds web sites and services that deliver simple, tangible benefits to civil society at very low cost per person helped. It brings Britain's grassroots civic software community together with public and voluntary sectors to get useful sites built, and to teach through demonstration.

Since September 2003 a small core team has been working to clarify and codify the project's aims and to establish and structure an organization to support it. In parallel, an open public competition for project ideas was launched and this was used to pick our five launch projects.

Now, with an appropriate legal structure identified, our first projects under development, and initial funding secured, mySociety is looking to contract a PHP developer with exceptional user interface design skills.


(Thanks, Tom!)

Update: Tom sez, "We're not building a successor to TheyWorkForYou – after all, it's barely finished yet! Yhe money is not for TWFY, at all – they are different legal entities with different people in charge. They're fully voluntary, wheras we're combinging core developers with volunteer labour to try and get the best of both worlds."

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