Boing Boing

Election-day footage from Michael Moore "Video the Vote" team

Dave Pentecost is one of a number of volunteer filmmakers who worked with Michael Moore to document election day conditions at polling sites throughout Ohio. Background on the project in a previous BoingBoing post: Link.

Dave sends BoingBoing this short movie comprised of excerpts from footage they captured on November 2, 2004. Much of it was apparently edited on laptops in the back of a bus. He says:

"Our thanks to People for the American Way and Election Protection. My apologies to the Jayhawks for not clearing the music first. (I'm still waiting to hear back, their rights person is in transit, I'll do it next week). The decision to go ahead was mine. This was shot by a dedicated group of 20 volunteer filmmakers, but any faults in the editing or focus of this video are my responsibility. The organizers of the trip will release a longer selection of statements by voters who had problems voting.

This is not leaked Michael Moore footage. As far as we know he has no plans to make a film with it. This was created by the Ohio volunteers on their own and the material belongs to them. Anyone wishing to use the original footage will be able to license it from the individuals who shot it. We are saddened by the voting problems we saw and hope that releasing this short video will add to the conversation on election reform.


One BoingBoing reader suggests the short be known as Fahrenheit 59MB. Video (in 3 MB, 20MB, and 59MB streams and downloads): Link 1, Link 2, Link 3.
(Hosting thanks: and Sean Bonner + Jason DeFillippo. Thanks for the shrinkage, cowicide).

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