Boing Boing

How a ballot-receipt should look – UPDATED

Wired Magazine's back-page each month features a photoshopped image that is meant to represent a telling found object from our future. They're often good, but this month's — a receipt from a paper-trail-leaving voting machine — is the best so far. Wow.


Update: Various of you wrote in on this, but Jacob put it most succinctly, "While it's nice that there's a paper trail, the format of the
receipt implies that there is long-term tracking of how you've cast
votes in the past, and some votes could be determined by examining the
receipt (so much for the secret ballot). And the 'who's ahead data'
would be just as unhelpful as exit polling data is on election day.
Let's hope the vote tracking features of e-voting don't come to pass."

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