Boing Boing

Bizarre black Lois Lane comic from the 70s

boogah sez: "Millionaire Playboy has unearthed a wonderfully absurd bit of comic book history: A comic book where [Superman's girlfriend] Lois Lane goes undercover as a black woman to get information for a story she's trying to do."

The story begins with Lois assigned to do a story on Metropolis's urban area that Lois refers to Little Africa. It seems that all black people refuse to submit to an interview done by Miss Whitey. Young children, old blind ladies, and even people on the street hate white people. With Superman's help Lois is placed inside the Plastimold and the Transformoflux Pack invented by Dahr-Nel, Kryptonian Surgeon. Apparently this machine is meant to change white people to black people. You have to wonder if Superman uses this machine often?


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