Boing Boing

Visualizing the nano future

Howard Lovy of the NanoBot has written a great article for Tech Central Station about a new animation project to educate the public about molecular nanotechnology. The project was spearheaded by molecular nanotech pioneer Eric Drexler and the Foresight Institute.

John Burch, who runs Lizard Fire Studios in Austin, Texas, says he fully expects his animation to be ridiculed by those who believe that he's merely producing a fanciful cartoon. That's OK, he says. Throw potshots at it. But while the argument rages over what is not possible, somebody had to "put this stake in the ground" and make the first move toward creating "a clear image of what we think is possibleā€¦..

"I want to make this thing happen," Burch says. "Everybody I know has medical problems that could be fixed or improved through technology based on this machine. There's too much pain in this world to just sit here and watch it."

Where would he like to see it shown? "I think most anyplace where it's not ridiculed will be a good place."


UPDATE: And yes, we're aware that Tech Central Station is a, well, problematic publication. But it's still a good article.

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