Boing Boing

Arnold Schwarzenneger Tribute Band

Arnocorps is an Arnold Schwarzenegger tribute band. Song lyrics are comprised of scripts from the Calilfornia governor's movies. The lead singer sings in a schwarzeneggeuro accent. This is wrong for so many reasons. Almost as wrong as the fact that last night, when I was browsing magazines in a Burbank newsstand with a friend, my governor's ripped, cut physique blared out at me from the cover of several bodybuilding magazines, all oiled up and steroidy looking. Then, when I was driving home, there was a big billboard off the 101 for the Terminator DVD set, and again, my governor's uber-mänly face. How can this be? I do not understand. This, I suppose, is future shock. Link (Thanks, Madvoodo)

Update: Arnocorps says all of Schwarzenegger's blockbuster films are ripoffs of ancient Austrian legends, and they're launching a class action lawsuit for damages.

"The Austrian community," says attorney Paul Marquiwitz, "is deeply saddened and dismayed by the fact that the Hollywood motion picture studios have chosen to exploit the rich cultural heritage of Austria to both expand their global profit and further their lies regarding conceptual originality."

Action-adventure band ArnoCorps is spearheading a class action lawsuit against several major motion picture studios in the US. The lawsuit charges these studios with stealing the lore and mythology of Austria for plot material and dialogue in big-budget, not to mention very profitable, films. The band's motivation stems from the common misperception that ArnoCorps performs music based on these films, rather than ancient lore. This erroneous view has plagued the band since their reformation in California in 2000. Holzfeuer, lead vocalist of ArnoCorps, adds, "These picture studios should admit, for once and all, that they have been stealing. It wasn't until ArnoCorps began to rock about these ancient tales, that the publics began to question, 'Hold a minute. Which came first, the chicken with the egg?' Exactly. That's right."


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