Boing Boing

Beatles Xmas albums from the 60s downloads – UPDATED

At long last, the Beatles' rare Xmas albums as downloads. Moblog Kid sez, "If you were fortunate enough to have been a member of the official Beatles fan club between 1963 and 1969, then you likely have heard one or more of these records. The Beatles recorded them and sent them out to their adoring fans every year, finally collecting them all on one album for the 1970 edition. Now rare and quite pricey to obtain, these seldom heard recordings offer a rare glimpse of the fabs at their funniest."


(Thanks, Moblog Kid!)

Update: David sez, "It sounds like someone ripped the Beatles Xmas records from vinyl. Their effort is appreciated, but the records have actually been bootlegged from the original tapes, and you can get a bit torrent of them in lossless format. It includes an outtake from 1964. There is also another outtake that's come out more recently that's circulating among hard-core collectors. Happy Christmas!"

Update #2:Ella sez, "This site requires registration and is *not* accepting any new registrations, so if anyone, like me, clicked the link and didn't already have an account from before, they're SOL and had better just go for the crappy recordings."

Update #3: Stuart sez, "Try bugmenot for user name/password. I did. Got in."

Update #4: Torrent Link 1 (Thanks, Ermordung!); Torrent Link 2 (Thanks, Demonoid!)

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