Boing Boing

Subway robot paints to Rush tunes

Gizmodo editor Joel Johnson shares this snapshot with BoingBoing — he says it depicts:

"A guy with his hand-made robot playing songs for change at the Bedford L (subway) stop (in New York City). It was so understated. The robot was an art project from the guy, who said he wasn't really into robotics. Sort of like, Yeah, that's my goddam robot.
Like the robot was trouble or something, or he had inherited it — even though he'd made it himself."


Update: reader Joshua Dickens says, "In reference to the robot from Bedford Ave post, I actually encoded a video for the robot-creator in question and am hosting it on my web site: Link. The robot paints to [the music of the 30-year-old hair band] Rush.

Oh, and maybe someone can torrent the video in case my site gets slammed!"
I am bleeding through my eyeballs I'm laughing so hard right now. Email Josh if you want to help with the torrent: Link

And reader Ben Seigel says, "A correction: Rush is not a '30-year-old hair band,' but rather, a 30 year old progressive rock band. Please don't lump them together with Ratt and Poison." Ben, I thank you, and mea maxima prog-rock culpa.

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