Boing Boing

Jim Flora in the New York Times

I've written about my favorite illustrator, the late Jim Flora, several times on Boing Boing. I'm happy to see that the New York Times has an article him, and his influence on today's artists.

"I came across his work in 1993," said Michael Bartalos, a San Francisco-based illustrator who was among the first to locate Flora. "Our styles were very similar – strangely similar, actually – but after I met him I was even more influenced."

Among the other prominent artists and illustrators today who are strongly influenced by Flora's art are Tim Biskup, Gary Baseman, J. D. King and Melinda Beck, who all wrote appreciations for Mr. Chusid's book, each praising his effortlessly jazzy spirit. Gene Deitch, a contemporary of Flora's, admits that through the 40's and 50's he was "brazenly imitating his style."

Link (Thanks, Erin!)

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