Sex-starved singles in Virginia, rejoice! Today's Washington Post reports that the state's supreme Court has at last struck down an archaic law prohibiting the getting of it on between unmarried personages. IOW, straight people who haven't taken vows can now do the humpty hump without having to fear The Man.
The full opinion is available on the VA Supreme Court website. In short: Virginia singles now have a right to Due Process under last year's Supreme Court sodomy law decision — and that makes the Virginia law unconstitutional. The state's anti-sodomy laws are still intact (limiting the sexual freedom of gay folks), but some believe a test case will soon follow, in an attempt to challenge that stature.
"I can't say we're pleased we made Virginia safe for fornication," said Neil Kuchinsky, Martin's attorney. "Though some will thank me, I'm sure.' "
Update: BB reader Myles says, "Xeni, I just wanted to point out the irony in your post about Virginia sexx laws; Virginia has always billed itself as Virginia is for Lovers." That one's been remixed a few times — see this snapshot I took at Burning Man a couple years ago. BB reader Noah reminds us that the tourism motto of the state's capital has long been "Richmond: Easy To Love," and the observant will also note that the tagline on the state's travel website tagline is: Meet Virginia: She's open year 'round. Perhaps now that people actually can fuck freely there, we'll see a round of new state tourism slogans extoling the virtues of cold showers, chastity belts, and the notion that true love waits.