Boing Boing

Pirate of the Caribbean translated to hacker: 4rrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!111

When you've finished reading the fan-script of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, why not have a go at the whole thing translated to hackery leet-speak? I'm very fond of "4rrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!111"

Gibbs: d00d y0u w4nt teh bl4ck p34rl 4g4in????//
Cap'n Jack: y34h i g0t s0m3 l3v3r4g3
Gibbs: ok ill g3t s0m3 cr4zy d00ds t0g3th3r
The Good Pirates: 4rrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!111
Cap'n Jack: i m teh cr4zy
Will: d00d wtf wtf??
Gibbs: j4ckz 4 l1ttl3 w31rd
Will: y34h, t0tlly
Gibbs: b4rb0ss4 fuxx0r3d h1m
Will: suxx0r



(Thanks, Chris!)

Update: Phil Carter, who wrote the leet-speak PoTC script, sent in a note with the original location of the document

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