Boing Boing

Good new weather blog

Rising Slowly is a great new blog about the weather — lots of tasty science and news-of-the-weird on climate.

Bizarre reportage from the India Daily: "In every country of the world, all on a sudden the weather forecasting computer models are failing – human or extra-terrestrial hand in weather manipulation?"

Weather forecasting all over the world is breaking, says the article. Is some unseen hand at work? No, really, look:

"In India, for example, scientists were astonished at the National Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting were perplexed by the deviation of the weather from the that predicted by the Doppler reports."

And that's not all:

"In India, China, Africa, Europe, all over the world the same story is repeating. In every country the meteorologists are thinking that these anomalies are just present in their region. But it is global and increasing every day."

The writer concludes that "someone" may be controlling the weather.

If it's you, do feel free to own up in the comments.


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