Boing Boing

Please add photos of Chicago's ridiculous Millennium Park private sculpture

Last night, I posted about a sculpture called "Cloud Gate" in Chicago's publicly funded $270,000,000 park that the public isn't allowed to photograph, because the city says that the artist retains the copyright in the object. I think that Chicagoans should pressure their city government to melt the thing down for slag and then fire the idiot who signed that deal on behalf of the citizens of Chicago.

In the meantime, Chicagoans can go, en masse, to this sculpture, and shoot lots of pictures of it. The link below goes to a Flickr gallery of existing photos of the sculpture. Go add your own!


(Thanks, Hugh!)

Update: Brian McCartney sez, "Just a note, the piece was not publicly paid for, it was a gift from SBC Communcations. Not that it matters, it's still totally bogus." Too right — the public are still paying for this, not just in upkeep, but in the tax-break to SBC, in the maintenance of the object, in the policing to stop photogs, and most of all in the cost to the public nature of its space that comes from having an unphotographable object splatted right in the middle of an otherwise very nice park.

Update 2:Rob DeRose sez, "I just thought you should know something in regards to the Millennium Park
Bean/'Cloudgate' sculpture. Nobody can take a picture of in until
early/mid April (probably). Its under a tent getting its seams polished out.
So nobody please venture out into the chilly Chicago winter until you see it
on the Chicago local news. Chicagoist will also probably make a note of it
when the tent comes off." Fair enough! For now, I guess it's just a matter of uploading your existing pix.

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