Boing Boing

Collection of over 250,000 sf fanzines goes to U. of Iowa

Reader Edward Shreeves says,

Boing Boing had a couple of posts in December (one, two) about the Mike Horvat science fiction fanzine collection, the last one incorrectly indicating that it was going to the University of Oregon. In fact, it has gone to the University of Iowa, as described in this press release.

Link to a list of about 20% of the titles in this collection of more than 250,000 items. See also this biographical note:

Martin M. (Mike) Horvat is a printer and collector in Stayton, Oregon. His collecting focused on general circulation science fiction magazines and fanzines. Horvat founded the American Private Press Association and, during the 1970s and 1980s, published South of the Moon, a catalog of publications of amateur press associations. As a result, the Horvat Collection houses a vast archive of zines–such as NAPA, the long-running zine of the National Fantasy Fan Federation. The correspondence of fan editors Gertrude Carr and Richard Geis are also part of the collection.

Update: For the record, the institutional misattribution was through no fault of Jason Scott, who submitted the original news to Boing Boing. Jason explains:

That [information] came from a phone conversation I had directly with Mike Horvat, where I called him at his home. He quite clearly said University of Oregon. Part of the reason he is giving away the collection is because of failing health, so it's possible he just misremembered the place the professor was calling from. I know from the conversation that he had actually contacted a number of universities to offer his collection and had gotten no response from any of them, so it could be a case of combining details.

The most important fact, which is the relevant one, is that the collection is not being broken up and will be treated well in its new home. That's what ultimately matters to me; the reason I had called Mr. Horvat in the first place was to try and broker some sort of deal to contribute the collection (or purchase it) for the MIT Science Fiction Society, of which I'm a lifetime member.

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